

PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) is an Indonesian is a state-owned corporation which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia and generates the majority of the country's electrical power. The history of electrical companies in Indonesia began at the end of 19th century when Dutch colonialists established the first electrical generator. After Indonesian Independence day on 17 August 1945, Indonesian youth took control of the electrical companies in September 1945 and handed them over to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. The history of the electricity sector since then has been one of continuing institutional changes.

Electricity Tariffs

Group of Customers Tariff (Rp/kWh)
R-1/450 VA Subsidi Rp 415
R-1/900 VA Subsidi Rp 568
R-1/900 VA RTM Non Subsidi Rp 1.352
R-1/1.300 VA Non Subsidi Rp 1.467,28
R-1/2.200 VA Non Subsidi Rp 1.467,28
R-1/3.500, 4.400, 5.500 VA Non Subsidi Rp 1.467,28
R-1/6.600 ke atas Non Subsidi Rp 1.467,28